Pursuant to the requirements of the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, and, subsequent United States Coast Guard regulations, we have implemented several security measures for your protection.
You can expect to see increased signage identifying Restricted Areas, and warning that All Vehicles, Packages, Boxes, Luggage Personal Effects, Tool Kits and Persons Entering our Properties and Vessels Are Subject to Search.
The above is a condition of entry and is necessary to assure that dangerous substances and devices that pose a real danger of violence or threat to security are not present.
We will not ship items that are left unattended on our docks and not properly received by our employees.
All cargo must be identified with the name of the shipper and receiver and All luggage, carry on and checked, must be marked with the name address and telephone number of the owner.
Once your baggage is checked in, it will be placed in a secure area, as required by law, and you will not be able to access it again until you reach your destination.
We have endeavored to comply with these new government mandates while keeping inconvenience to passengers to a minimum. Please allow extra time for baggage checks and possible screening delays.
We value your patronage and want to assure you that, at Arnold Transit Company, safe, secure, competitive Mackinac Island Hydro-Jet Ferry transportation continues to be our number one priority.
For additional information on Homeland Security requirements and current threat levels, please check the following: